• Den politiske debat om stand up paddle sporten

    Et faktuelt grundlag

CAS (The Court of Arbitration for Sport) har afgjort sagen om SUP sporten mellem ISA og ICF

Den internationale sportsdomstol CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) har nu fældet dom, og fastslået at International Surfing Association (ISA) i regi af den Olympiske bevægelse er rettighedshavere til, at organisere og repræsentere SUP sporten.

Der er nu endelig sat punktum i det fler-årige tovtrækkeri mellem Dansk Surf & Rafting Forbunds moderorganisation International Surfing Association (ISA) og International Canoe Federation (ICF), om rettigheden til at organisere og repræsentere stand up paddle (SUP) inden for den Olympiske bevægelse. Sagen har været et varmt emne nationalt og international i snart fire år. Flere internationale sportsmedier har fulgt sagen tæt, bl.a. danskbaserede Play The Game, som første gang i maj 2017 skrev om sagen i artikel When Olympian Goes to War, ligesom det anerkendte webmagasin ’Inside the Games’ har dækket konflikten ekstensivt.

In comparison, in the Panel’s view it is only very recently that the ICF has shown an interest in SUP, which is most likely due to the high popularity and appeal that SUP has gained worldwide in recent years, and to the risk that this sport modality could be recognized by the IOC as a surfing discipline governed by the ISA

the Panel is of the opinion that until 2015/16 the ICF did not pay attention to SUP (either in open or in flat waters) and it did not consider it as a canoeing discipline, not having taken part of the governance, development and promotion of SUP until very recently.

The Panel finds that, of the two Parties, the Claimant (ISA) should be the International Federation to govern and administer SUP at the Olympic level, with the extension and in the terms stated above (i.e. with binding effects on the Parties, both of which are obliged to behave and act in accordance with the adjudication made in the present Award, but with no binding effect on any third party, including the IOC).

The Respondent (ICF) remains entitled to conduct all type of SUP activities (i.e., organise SUP competitions and events worldwide and at all levels, promote and develop SUP, conduct and develop all forms of SUP activities, etc.) outside of the Olympic Movement. This is without prejudice to the eventual decision that the IOC may take in the future, if any, regarding the recognition and governance of SUP within the Olympic Movement.

International Surfing Association (ISA)

International Surfing Association (ISA) er world governing body for al surfaktivitet, herunder stand up paddle.

  • ISA er IOC godkendt internationalt forbund for surfsporten, herunder stand up paddle.
  • ISA er Olympisk forbund med surfing (shortboard) på OL-programmet i Tokyo 2020.
  • ISA er den eneste internationale sportsforbund, som har udviklet på stand up paddle sporten, med verdensomspændende initiativer ift. uddannelse, coaching, dommeruddannelser og konkurrenceafvikling. ISA introducere ISA World Stand Up Paddle & Paddleboarding Championship i 2012, og har afviklet dette VM årligt siden.
  • ISA har nationale surfforbund i 100 lande verden over, hvoraf mange er godkendt af og medlem af de nationale olympiske komitteer.

Dansk Surf & Rafting Forbund (DSRF) er medlem af ISA og er af det internationale forbund anerkendt som eneste nationale idrætsforbund i Danmark, der må varetage surfing og stand up paddle.

Se udtalelse fra International Surfing Association (ISA) om varetagelsen af surfing og stand up paddle i Danmark.

International Canoe Federation (ICF)